December 2, 2019

Major⁠i⁠⁠t⁠y of Amer⁠i⁠cans Suppor⁠t⁠ L⁠i⁠fe ⁠i⁠n Pr⁠i⁠son Over ⁠t⁠he Dea⁠t⁠h Penal⁠t⁠y

Conservatives Concerned

December 2, 2019

For the first time in history, a recent Gallup Poll found that the majority of Americans now support life in prison over the death penalty. This is a significant shift in the poll’s 34 year trend, with a 60% to 36% margin siding against the death penalty.

These results come as the country consistently faces high-profile executions where the inmates have substantial innocence claims. Americans are also becoming more aware of the wasted costs of capital punishment, a system that provides no deterrent to crime while also flushing millions down the drain that could be better spent on responses to violence that actually work. 

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