February 11, 2020

CCATDP Com⁠i⁠ng ⁠t⁠o Oh⁠i⁠o!

Conservatives Concerned

February 11, 2020



News Conference in Columbus at (11:00AM) on Tuesday, February 18

Ohio Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty, a network of conservatives questioning the alignment of capital punishment with their conservative principles, will hold a news conference to officially announce the group’s formation. They also will release a list of prominent Ohio conservatives who endorse repeal of the state’s death penalty. It will take place at the Ladies’ Gallery at the State Capitol in Columbus on Tuesday, February 18, at 11:00 a.m.

Speakers at the news conference will include …

–     Rep. Laura Lanese, R-Grove City

–     Ross Geiger of Loveland, juror who voted for death

–     Jonathan Mann of Columbus, murder victim family member

–     Michael Hartley of Columbus, Republican political consultant

–     Josh Culling of Toledo, Treasurer of Lucas County Young Republican PAC

–     Hannah Cox, National Manager of Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty

“The waste of taxpayer dollars is one reason why conservative Republican lawmakers in Ohio and across the country are reevaluating the death penalty,” Cox said. “They not only believe in limited government, they also value life.”

Ohio is part of a nationwide trend of conservatives rethinking capital punishment. An additional 13 state-based Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty groups have been previously launched.

Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty is a nationwide group of conservatives questioning whether capital punishment is consistent with conservative principles and values due to the system’s inefficiency, inequity, and inaccuracy. Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty is a project of Equal Justice USA, a national, non-partisan, grassroots organization working transform the justice system by promoting responses to violence that break cycles of trauma. To learn more, go to www.conservativesconcerned.org